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  • 2 weeks over due. Should I have an induction?

    Hey Beth, I am coming up to 2 weeks over due. Should I have an induction?  (more…)

    Baby Names 2023

    Are you expecting a baby and want some name inspo from what are set to be the best baby names for 2023? Here are our predictions… Baby names set to trend in 2023 Girls Names Mila Ada Beatrice M

    Are hypnobirthing courses worth it?

    Are hypnobirthing courses worth it? Absolutely yes. Hypnobirthing courses are very much worth it as they give you tools to be able to change the way you think about birth. It also gives you tools to b

    Amber’s 6 hour labour FTM

    First-time-mum Amber gave birth to her baby after after just a 6 hour labour. She describes her birth as an “amazing experience”.  Love reading positive birth stories? You’re in the ri

    Can my baby choke on milk?

    This post was written by Sammy, mum of 4, qualified nurse, and owner of Happy Hearts First Aid. As parents we worry about so many things, it’s practically in our DNA from the moment we conceive.

    Using EBRAN to choose induction: Jemma’s Birth Story

    Love reading positive birth stories? You’re in the right place…. This positive birth story is with Jemma and the arrival of her baby girl. Jemma had some issues in pregnancy that led her to choose
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