best pregnancy support gloucestershire

  • I’m Pregnant! Now what?

    Firstly, massive congratulations!! How very exciting. You’ve peed on that stick, you’ve got those two lines – now what? Who do I contact now I am pregnant? This is usually your local

    The Bump to Baby Chapter Hypnobirthing – As seen in the press

    The thing is about hypnobirthing over here at The Bump to Baby Chapter is that we are different from the rest. The ever popular birth and baby preparation courses have been so popular that they have b

    Why ‘Fight or Flight’ is never helpful for birth

    The fight or flight response and how it affects birth is an important thing to know as part of your birth prep. Watch this video with me, Beth Midwife and Mother of 4, to find out exactly why our ove

    Questions about having twins

    Got questions about having twins? If you are twin mama-to-be, you likely have lots of questions about the TWO little bundles of love. I got you. Twin mama and Clinical Psychologist Justine Davenport h

    Are baby hiccups during pregnancy normal?

    We get so many messages asking us if baby hiccups during pregnancy are normal… So, are they? Are baby hiccups during pregnancy normal? Yes, hiccupping is a really normal thing that baby’s

    The Bump to Baby Chapter Antenatal Class; Sophie’s Birth Story

    First-time-mum Sophie absolutely bossed birth after attending The Bump to Baby Chapter Antenatal Class. Sophie used so many techniques she had learned on the course to keep calm and confident in birth
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